RIVERSIDE, Calif., February 21, 2018 (Newswire.com) - The most recent, and among the most tragic, incidents of gun violence in our country happened only days ago at a high school in Parkland, Florida. 17 children were murdered, and three adults were also killed in the attack. The gunman was a 19-year-old who, apparently, is mentally ill but was, nevertheless, able to purchase an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.
Dr. Norman Quintero, a mental health clinician has noted that “The common factor in most of our gun violence incidents has been that the perpetrator has had mental health issues. Unfortunately, even in the wake of these tragedies, our lawmakers have been swayed by the contributions of the National Rifle Association (the NRA) whose interest is selling guns, rather than saving lives, and so these mass killings of innocent people are likely to continue unless there is more support for mental health and less support for the NRA.”
It is time our gun laws protect our citizens from another massacre here in America. It is time to set aside any financial or political interest and to, instead, prevent the loss of additional lives in our schools, our parks, and our churches. Our citizens should not be afraid of being killed by another act of gun violence and I, as your Congressman, will not be afraid to stand up to the NRA on your behalf.
Dr. Norman Quintero, Candidate for US Congress
Dr. Quintero lives in the 42nd Congressional District and is represented by Congressman Ken Calvert who has held that position continuously since 1992. In that time, the US Congress has voted 7 times on gun control measures.
Many of those measures proposed scrutinizing the mental health, arrest record, and other factors that might adversely affect the ability of an individual to purchase a firearm. Other legislation proposed restrictions on the sale of assault rifles or devices that converted single shotguns into semi-automatic weapons that shoot nearly 100 bullets a minute. In each instance that the NRA was opposed to the bill, Mr. Calvert, a recipient of NRA contributions, voted accordingly. Regrettably, other legislation actually made it easier to purchase guns and/or loosened regulations; again, per the NRA, Congressman Calvert supported those bills.
As a result, Dr. Quintero, with his mental health credentials and as a father, is a very concerned constituent who has, like so many others in the District, determined that enough is enough. This, along with other concerns about the District’s lack of jobs, needed support for immigrants and access to high-quality healthcare, has culminated in his actually challenging Congressman Calvert for his seat.
Therefore, Dr. Norman Quintero, now as a Candidate for US Congress, 42nd Congressional District, while recognizing the rights of gun owners as established by the 2nd Amendment, without further qualification states, “It is time our gun laws protect our citizens from another massacre here in America. It is time to set aside any financial or political interest and to, instead, prevent the loss of additional lives in our schools, our parks, and our churches. Our citizens should not be afraid of being killed by another act of gun violence and I, as your Congressman, will not be afraid to stand up to the NRA on your behalf.”
Dr. Norman Quintero was born on the Island of Puerto Rico and holds 2 doctorate degrees. He is a licensed real estate broker in Florida and California where he is also a Mental Health Clinician in the City of Menifee. He owns Hispanic radio and television networks that reach more than 9 million people daily and hosts a nationwide television show each week. He is also the Senior Pastor of Iglesia Getsemani located in Orange County, California. For more than 20 years, he has created charitable programs that now feed more than 100,000 low-income, homeless, and veterans, and that have provided toys to nearly 1 million children.
For More Information Contact:
Dr. Norman Quintero – (951) 215-6565 or
Steve Finger (760) 333-1873
Source: Offices of Dr. Norman Quintero