RIVERSIDE, Calif., June 4, 2018 (Newswire.com) - Long before the California Energy Commission approved this past May that all new homes should include solar power, Dr. Norman Quintero had in his public policy platform the importance of producing 50 percent of electrical power from clean energy sources.
Indeed, before California law required at least 50 percent of the state’s electricity to come from no carbon-producing sources by 2030, solar power was already a priority for Dr. Quintero, who promises to work hand in hand with local elected officials to make sure we protect our environment on behalf of future generations.
I am committed to getting at least 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country. We need to cut energy waste in American homes, schools, hospitals and offices through energy-efficient improvements, modernize our electric grid and make American manufacturing the cleanest and most efficient in the world.
Dr. Norman Quintero, CEO, NQR, CORP
“I am committed to getting at least 50 percent of our electricity from clean energy sources within a decade, with half a billion solar panels installed within four years and enough renewable energy to power every home in the country. We need to cut energy waste in American homes, schools, hospitals and offices through energy-efficient improvements, modernize our electric grid and make American manufacturing the cleanest and most efficient in the world,” said Quintero.
Quintero assures that his efforts will create millions of new jobs and save families and businesses money on their monthly energy bills.
“We will transform American transportation by reducing oil consumption through cleaner fuels and vehicle electrification increasing the fuel efficiency of cars, boilers, ships and trucks. We will make new investments in public transportation and build bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure across our urban and suburban areas. I strongly believe the tax code must reflect our commitment to a clean energy future by eliminating special tax breaks and subsidies for fossil fuel companies as well as defending and extending tax incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy,” Dr. Quintero added.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Norman Quintero – (951) 215-6565
Source: Dr. Norman Quintero